Our Brides

Team Schantal loves their dresses and their brides love them too! The most beautiful thing on the wedding day is not the wedding dress, but the bride and groom themselves! As is well known, men are happy when their wives are happy, so it is all the more important for Schantal to support the brides on their way to a happy day and a happy future. The wedding dress is one of many pieces of the puzzle that are important on the path to happiness. Because only when the bride is happy and satisfied with her wedding dress can she say the word that everyone wants to hear in front of the old age: YES, I do!
Finding or even designing the right dress together with the bride is an affair of the heart for the Schantal team. Every woman is special and wants to be special at her own wedding. After all, shoes are not just shoes. It's the same with a wedding dress! This is different from a plain dress! And when a bride sheds tears at the end of the day. Is this something very special. Because they are not sad tears, but big tears of joy that express a lot of relief, happiness and love.
Below are pictures of some of our bridal couples on our website. They allowed us to share them with our community. Please take a look at these. Let them sink in. You will see that the emotions described above are reflected in the images. A happy, now married couple who finally: YES! was allowed to say and does not want to exchange their experiences and emotions with anything else in the world!

Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid
Figurbetont Hochzeitskleid
Braut in unsere Hochzeitskleid


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